Psychic Development Workshop
Have you always been fascinated by psychics, mediums or anything and everything metaphysical? Have there been days when you wondered if you to were a little psychic? Did you ever wish you could read tarot cards or runes? Maybe you have felt a nudge lately, or a twinge of curiosity about the subject and now you are ready to see what really is out there.. If you answered yes to, or agree with, any of these questions and statements, then you have come to the right place.
My workshop is designed to introduce you to your own psychic abilities. I believe everyone is born psychic. The only difference between you and a person who is a practicing psychic is that they either grew up understanding and living a psychic life, or at some point in their life they were given a jolt that helped them to re-awaken their higher self. If you are reading this, you are ready to reach out as well and rediscover your own psychic gifts.
In this 1 day workshop I will teach you all of the basics that you need to get started on your journey of development and enlightenment. I will teach you about meditation and energy. We will learn about the chakra system and the aura, and how they work together. I will help you meet your Spirit Guides and learn how to communicate with them, and give you the tools to learn to protect yourself energetically while you are on this journey. We will learn about symbols, and dabble a bit in the "psychic tools" of the trade, including Tarot Cards, Angel Cards, Orcale Cards, Pendulum and so much more!
Throughout the day there will be plenty of exercises to help you understand the lessons, and lots of hands on practice so you will have a good understanding of how energy works and what most resonates with you. You will also, before the days end, do your very first psychic reading.
So if you've ever wondered if you too are a wee bit psychic, or just want to explore the possibilities, join me and others like yourself for this workshop. I guarantee that you will be glad you did!
$99 - 1 Day Workshop
August 21, 2016
10 am - 5 pm
Location: 315 S. 4th Street
Clarksburg, WV
Register early before the class fills up!!
This class is limited to 12 students.
Registration Closed
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Please note that all sales are final. Exceptions are at the sole discretion of the course administrator.
©2016 Native Bear Spirit Spiritual Growth & Development Circle
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