About Me
I have been an intuitive my whole life, making connections with spirit and the other side since childhood. I thought it was normal. It never crossed my mind that others didn't see or hear spirit. I spent endless hours playing with what I now know
are my spirit guides. I had many spirit animal companions as well. I have to admit, seeing dead people was very scary for
me, but I now realize that it was all a part of my journey.. what I've been led to now. .
As often happens with psychic children, there comes a point where adults and even peers begin to be less accepting of our
"wild imagination". Slowy we turn off or ignore these otherwordly friends and blend into what is acceptable. Then one day something happens and it's all blown wide open again.
The shift began when my father passed away. Many changes were occuring that I had no control over, and the stress was overwhelming. That is when I decided to try meditation. Once I started learning to go within to regain some level of control
in my life, my spirit guides were finally able to break through and here I am today, a practicing psychic medium, healer, spiritual advisor, and teacher.
I have studied various other psychic mediums over the years, learning from them, recognizing myself in their stories about childhood experiences. I've personally studied with Lisa Williams, Leann Thomas, and Linda Usope, whom I greatly admire and adore. After a 12 week intensive training and testing process, I was certified by Lisa Williams as an Advanced Psychic Medium. Along the way I've grown into and excepted each and every one of my gifts, which I now offer to you.
In 2002 I was also introduced to Energy Healing. I was searching for alternative healing methods due to a condition that affected my hands. The results, after years of failed traditional treatments, was immediate, I was so impressed that I started studying, and am now a 3rd Degree Reiki Master. I use a style of healing that I call Shamanic Healing which blends
Native America traditions (influenced by my grandmother, a blackfoot indian) and Usui Reiki. I have also studied Polarity
and EFT.
A couple of years later I went on to study herbal medicine. I spent an entire summer completing an apprenticeship with
Anne Romance, certified organic herbalist, of Green Heron Gardens.
Through the section of my website, Native Bear Spirit, I offer a variety of herbal and natural remedies to help you live a
more holistic lifestyle.
Being a Lightworker has been, and continues to be, such a blessing. I feel honored to be able to help bring understanding, awareness and healing to others through my work. If you are here reading this, I truly feel this was meant to be, for you,
right now on your journey. Thank you, in advance, for letting me be a part of it.